Group 281 Women Slim

Dersy Yanina Miranda Velezmoro

Comas, Peru

Official before photos
Official after photos

Soy Dersy Miranda, soy de Perú, mamá de tres ( de 27, 23, y 14 años de edad, incluso ya soy abuela de un niño hermoso de 7 años. Ingresé a Yor Healt buscando salud ya que además me encontraba con 20 kg de sobrepeso , me sentía muy inflamada y con mucho dolor en las rodillas,. Gracias a qué empecé a consumir los suplementos e podido recuperar mi salud en todos los sentidos. Me a ayudado a desinflamar y me siento incluso con mayor energía física. He podido bajar de peso que ni con muchas dietas lograba. Las Enzimas Yor Digest Ultra me ayudan a digerir mejor los alimentos y eliminar las toxinas las Enzimas metabólicas Yor Repair junto con Yor Probióticos Ultra y la fibra Yor Fiber Plus me ayudaron a limpiar mi sangré y mis intestinos y colon. Pero lo que me encanta es nuestro Yor Súper Greens y la vitaminas que me ayuda a nutrir mis células de la manera correcta quitándome el hambre y la ansiedad que sentía por seguir comiendo a cada momento.
Me siento muy agradecida y feliz ya que en poco tiempo e logrado metas en mi salud que hace muchos años no lo lograba. Gracias Yorhealt

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*The testimonials contained on this website and any other publication or printed materials are provided by customers who have used at least one YOR Health product. Please be advised that the testimonials contained on this website and any other publication or printed materials reflect only the experiences of the customer who has provided the testimonial. YOR Health does not make any claim that such experiences are typical or are indicative of future performance or success of using one of their products.

The above individual’s results may not be typical. As of April 2024, those who completed 8 weeks in the weight loss category of YOR Best Body lost an average of 13.94 lb (6.32 kg), or 1.74 lb (0.79 kg) per week. When replacing 2 out of 5 mini-meals per day with a meal replacement shake, the average person should expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. As with any reduced-calorie diet, the amount of weight you'll lose will depend on the number of calories you consume in proportion to your weight. Optimal results are achieved when following the product regimen in combination with a healthy diet and exercise program.

Individual results may vary. Factors that may affect your results include (but are not limited to) your metabolism, exercise routine, diet, smoking, pregnancy, current medications and any medical conditions. As with any health or fitness program, regular exercise and a sensible eating plan are essential to achieve long-term weight loss results. No customer was paid for a testimonial.
